Wednesday, December 23, 2015

I'll Have A Cup Of Quiet, Please

Have you ever just sat in a quiet dark room and sipped a cup of coffee? No kids, no TV, not even your phone on? Have you taken the time to just sit and be?  It’s harder than you think.  We are programed to go go go.  So taking the time to just sit and be still and quiet is hard, but very necessary. I think it is one of the most necessary things that is overlooked in our crazy busy world.

In this quiet time, we can let our minds wander at their leisure. The first step is the quiet.  I often have this time in the morning after my first cup of coffee.  Just me and the cats, alone and I am awake anyway.  I sit in my comfy chair and let my mind go.  No input from my phone or tablet, no computer screen or TV, it’s just me and my thoughts.  In our crazy world we just don’t do this any more.  It may be the most important thing in my day.

Silence is the universal refuge, the sequel to all dull discourses and all foolish acts, a balm to our every chagrin, as welcome after satiety as after disappointment.
~Henry David Thoreau

Can you remember the last time you just sat and were in the quiet? We have come to crave constant input. How many times a day do you check your phone, or log on to facebook? I am almost always connected.  The time I spend in the morning disconnected and quiet has become a respite for my brain and my soul.

Dawn is breaking and another crazy day is on tap and I have recharged my batteries with my few minutes of silence. However, I think I may have one more cup of coffee.
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