Monday, February 8, 2016

Be an Ambassador

Even with the growing homeschool community, there are still some very negative connotations that go along with our choice to homeschool our kids.  We hear: “unsocialized”, “uneducated” and “unambitious”. We’ve heard we are “lazy parents” or we are “super religious” and  we certainly  “are not teaching real science”. Or combinations of all of these statements- I am sure we have heard them all.  Even the assumptions of helicopter parenting or being that “Tiger Mom”.

Now, I am sure there is a little of this going on among the homeschoolers, but most of us are just normal people who have made what we think is the best decision for our kids.  A lot of times, we have had to homeschool our children despite an unsupportive spouse or family, or even community ridicule.

I’d like to think I am an ambassador of sorts. I don’t mind most questions; well, maybe not “what do you do all day?” But as a general rule, I say, ask away! I am an open book or as open as I can be, anyway.  I have had the whole range of questions asked of me, and mostly I just answer as honestly as I can. Sometimes I ask the same question in reverse to a parent of a public school child. Maybe this can be seen as not being very nice, but one can only answer “are you doing your child a disservice?” so often before you lose it.

Today, I was in a group that has nothing to do with homeschooling and a conversation started. I dispelled a few myths and gave some good information. Information, this wonderful woman said, she has never heard before from other homeschoolers. I don’t hide what I am nor do I shy away from what I do.  Also, I share information I have, willingly and freely. Not only did I make a new friend, but helped someone who felt lost and put them at ease.

We are blessed in our group to have some wonderful ambassadors- not only on the Board but in the membership. I have seen members giving information and sharing experiences. They help new homeschoolers and even the frustrated old timers.  The community is what matters. What we are building here matters.  

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