Monday, August 31, 2015

Falling Into Fall

Falling Into Fall
The temps are dropping and the days are getting shorter.  For some this signals the end of the fun of summer, for others it starts the wonderful and crisp days of fall.  I love the sound of fallen leaves crunching under my feet, the feel of the cool crisp morning air.  
Okay stop laughing…  I know!   It’s here, co-ops, field trips, and outings OH MY! I watch daily as our schedule for the next few months fills up and gets more and more crazy.  Right now I am starting to schedule downtime for me and my son.  I know we will both be overtired and unable to function if we don’t have some time to just be.
That said, all of the upcoming events mean social time and learning in fun new ways.  Seeing friends and overall just having a good time.

I never thought we would look forward to our co-op.  Five weeks of fun and friends and learning.  It’s a time for my child to learn from others and enjoy time away from home.  If you would have asked me about co-ops when I started this journey I would have said you are NUTS.  Leaving my house to spend time in a building full of people, but it is amazing the things you will do for your kids.
So we are falling into fall, enjoying the busy and embracing our crazy schedule.  I know it will be over all too soon and I will miss these crazy days.
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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Important Upcoming Dates

Important Upcoming Dates

Things are happening here at WFHS.  Are you ready to join in the fun?  Here are some important upcoming dates to remember:

**Membership renewal ends - Aug 31 by midnight

**Registration for WFHS Fall 2015 Co-op opens:
  • For teachers and assistants: September 1
  • For members of WFHS: September 4
  • For general public: September 11

**Pool Party!  September 4

**“Come As You Are” dance - Sept 11th Payments must be made prior to dance

**Vollmer Farm Trip October 7 - Payment due by Aug 31st

Our board and members are working hard to make this a fantastic fall.  Make sure you are RSVP’d for events and that you have paid for them in a timely manner.  

We all look forward to seeing you soon. This will be our best year yet. 2015/16!  WFHS will rock this one!

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Monday, August 17, 2015

Shake It Up

No matter what kind of homeschooler you are, you can get into a rut.  Same outings, same schedule.  I guess the trick is to see you need to shake it up. With most of us getting into the swing for a new year and planning our time, now is a great time to find ways to make things more fun for you and the kids.  

I am a hermit, so for me and mine it is getting out of the house.  Joining co-ops and homeschool groups like this one have been a savior.  Finding things to do in the community is also a good tip.  Visit local parks and have a outside school day, or watch a video about a topic of study.  Cook a meal from the country you are studying.  The options are endless.   Find a group of mom’s and plan a craft day, or a party celebrating the holiday of a religion different from yours.

It does not matter how you shake it up, but remember that everyone needs a change once in awhile. For some that might mean a quiet day at home reading, or writing a blog. Just remember that shaking it up can renew your excitement about your choice to homeschool and get your kids interested again.

Posted by
Heather Garcia

Monday, August 10, 2015

Real Life Applications

Homeschooling for us has changed. Where I started with a box curriculum, we have had to evolve to how my son learns.  Fractions were easier to teach with halving or doubling a recipe.  Spelling was tossed out as he learned to spell all on his own, and frankly he is a better speller than I will ever be.  Math has come easy until this year and we have needed a little extra outside help.

Current events are a big deal and do a lot of our teaching for us.  Like when “New Horizons” passed Pluto and its moon, my son was curious.  We talked about space exploration.  We watched the Science Channel special.  We talked about moons and gravity and how it all works together.  Just last night my son asked if he could learn more about black holes.  

Political season, we watch all the debates, talk about candidates, and all sides of the issues.  We want our child to make up his mind about what he believes. This teaches him critical thinking and gives him the opportunity to think about how others see the same issues.  We debate as a family with my husband and I often playing devil's advocate so that he can think his position through.

Science is an everyday lesson, from the wonders of cooking to the amazing things you can find in your yard.  The life cycle of plants, growing food from seeds and how to best nurture your garden for maximum yield.

Currently, my son is learning to be a webmaster.  That teaches critical thinking, programming and working with a client. I want him to start blogging as well to document his process; there is writing skills and language arts.  

Reading is modeled in this household as he has parents who devour books like a man at a buffet who has not eaten in weeks.  He is given access to and encouraged to read more and more challenging material. I think he might have been given a copy of “A Brief History of Time” to read as of last night.

This is just us… There are as many ways to homeschool as there are homeschoolers, but as someone who used to be neurotic that I would screw it up, I am proud to say my son wants to learn and is now directing more and more of his education.  At 13 he is a smart young man and I am super excited to see how the next four years of high school unfolds for us.  

Posted by Heather Garcia

Monday, August 3, 2015

Homeschooling Is Growing

Homeschooling is Growing
In an August 2014 article, the Charlotte news and observer states that NC’s homeschoolers are growing at a record rate.  As much as a 27% increase from the just two years earlier.

Personally I have seen the growing community over the five plus years I have been homeschooling.  More and more I meet people who are thinking of homeschooling or have recently started.  For them groups like this are an amazing resource.

I know that when I started with the fall co-op a year ago, I was thrilled to see the wide variety of methods that were used, from unschooling to box curriculum. I was excited to talk to people who have been homeschooling for 10+ years and those who had just started the journey.  

It is always nice to know that you are not alone and there is a support system in place.  For me personally, WFHS has been a savior.  My son and I have met so many wonderful people and learned so much.  

If you are interested in becoming a member of this group please contact our Member Coordinator.

Posted by
Heather Garcia