It's that time again. Everyone is getting ready for school, buying new books, scheduling field trips, and planning co-op classes. For homeschooling parents who also work this can be an especially daunting time. Whether you are working for financial reasons or personal reasons, you are always asking yourself the question "Am I doing what's best for my children by keeping them at home?"
All homeschooling parents have to have balance. That's a no-brainer. But for the working-homeschooling parent, balance is essential for survival. When we have time for school, it is a scheduled time--just like work is. And balancing these two schedules, which are naturally at odds with each other, takes constant care and attention. Am I eating into my child's school time by working on the computer too long? Am I slacking off on meals and other family time that help my children know THEY are the ones that matter?
I have found that getting my kids on board is a huge help. They know I would rather be home with them, so we all work together to make my time at work less demanding and my time at home more fruitful. I try to teach them to see that their participation in chores, activity planning, and sticking to their studies while I am away is for the common good of the family. And I think it's working! The dishes are done every day without my having to ask. The trash is taken out when it's full. And, with some reminders, the sweeping gets done. Everyone works together to fold clothes and help our youngest with her chores. Is it perfect? No. But, we're in this together and it's important for me to know when I walk out the door that we're all on the same page and caring for each other.
Perhaps the most important key to working while homeschooling is having a support network. I do not know what I would do without the wonderful person who enriches my young ones' lives while I'm away. (You know who you are!) And there are a handful of amazing people who will take my kids to events while I'm working. I know if my kids are in need, there are reliable friends they can call in a pinch. I couldn't do this without them.
So here's to a new school year for all homeschoolers, and here's an extra hurrah for the working moms and all the people who help them. You're doing a great job!
Kate Kirkpatrick